Tag: Week 6

Enchanted Forest

Swaimah – Enchanted Forrest 

Today for Writing I did enchanted forest. What we had to do was make a story about us being in an enchanted forest. We had to choose names for creatures and places we see while looking for a treasure. My treaure was the jasper chest. Press on the link to see my writing.

My highlight was finding names for the creatures and the treasure.

My lowlight was having to think about what i’m going to write about.

Quote of the day: Don’t take the elevator, take the stairs.

My Word Problems

We learnt so much about word problems. We had to create out own set of slides because our teacher said so. We made questions including division, multiplication, addition and subtraction. I hope you bloggers enjoy my work.

My highlight was picking out my own word problems.
My low-light was having to find out the answers to my own question.
Quote of the day: “Just one positive thought in the morning can change your whole day!” By: Diana

Christmas Word problems

Today for maths I did Christmas Word problems. It was quick hard to solve the last problem because it took some time to really think about the prices. I worked really hard and ended up finishing my math.

My highlight is customizing my slides, because it”s fun learning new tricks.

My lowlight is having to take a long time to answer the last question.

Quote of the day: Winners never quit, quitters never win.

Introduction & Checkpoints Algebra!

Today for math I did Introduction & Checkpoints Algebra! I thought it would be hard but when I gave it a go it wasn’t even that hard. Me and Vika helped each other because we didn’t know some answers. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Thank you!

Skiing in Afghanistan

Today for reading I did Skiing in Afghanistan. It was really fun because I got to learn more about my own country (Afghanistan). The questions were a bit tricky to answer but I answered all the questions. I would really like to learn more about other countries from around the world. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Thank you!