Tag: Math

Fruit Orchard

Task description: This week during Maths, we are learning to find the appropriate strategy to solve each word problem, solve problems that involve multiplication and division, and use equations to express a problem. Appreciate that tens are nested in hundreds and thousands and use that knowledge to rename whole numbers. We had to learn how to find the appropriate strategy to solve each word problem, solve problems that involve multiplication and division and use equations to express a problem. We were also looking into renaming the whole numbers to make the addition and subtraction of collections of tens or hundreds easier. It was really easy to do so me and my friend got it done really fast. The questions were about fruits and how much you’ll get or how much it costs. I really loved this task so much, I’ve learnt so much from this task. Learning new things is really tricky because you don’t get the pattern.

My lowlight was having to find out new methods to solve a problem because I usually use the same methods to do my work. Something to work on for this week is finding out new strategies to solve each problem. It was kinda tricky because some questions require division and I am not good at division. Some questions are on multiplication, Quote of the day: You can never be overdressed or overeducated. I enjoyed this task very much, and I hope to do more like this soon. Hope you enjoyed. Please leave a comment; thank you for visiting my blog.

What am I?

Task description: Today for Math I did what ami?. It was really fun because all we had to do was just solve the number of questions. I really enjoyed and loved this task, I really hope I do it again soon. My highlight was learning new things and having a go at this task today. I really enjoyed it. My lowlight is having to solve the problems when it’s hard. Something to work on for next week is nothing really, because I really liked this task and it was too hard for me. Quote of the day: Mathematics may not teach us to add love or subtract hate, but it gives us hope that every problem has a solution. I enjoyed this task very much, and I hope to do more like this soon. Hope you enjoyed. Please leave a comment; thank you for visiting my blog.

Trassum Lvl 3 & 4- Algebra

Today for math I did Trassum Lvl 3 & 4 – Algebra. It was really hard to do level 4 because there were brackets but I ended up finding the answers. Level 3 was okay, but it was much easier than level 4. I really like Algebra now because when you actually write the equation on pen and paper then it’s much easier to solve. We watched a few videos from Ruapotaka school and we knew how to solve the answers.

My highlight was achieving the trophies. My lowlight was working out and solving level 4. Something I’ll work on next time is… understanding more about algebra and finding out new ways to solve the equation. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Thank you! Bye~

Algebra Operations

Task description: This week during Maths, we are learning to figure out what the bags represent and what they equal up too. It was a bit tricky to add the numbers together because you get really confused with the numbers. My highlight was finishing the task really fast because it was really easy and doing it with my friend. My lowlight is answering the questions because it was boring but I finished them. I don’t have anything to work on this week, but anyways I enjoyed doing maths today. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Thank you! 


Algreba 1


Task description: This week during Math, I did Algebra 1. We had to answer 4 hard & tricky questions. I had to work with my friend. It was really tricky that we ended up working with our teacher Whaea Saf. Algebra looks hard to learn but it’s easy when you actually learn it. But today’s work was more tricky than last weeks.

My highlight was finishing my work pretty fast and being able to understand my work really well. My low light was that the maths problems were written properly and we had to make it up as we went. This week I don’t have anything I want to work on as I have understood my work and finished it off really fast. After that I completed the task, I posted it on my blog. I enjoyed this task very much, and I hope to do more like this soon. Hope you enjoyed. Please leave a comment; thank you for visiting my blog.

Tongan Travel (Measurement L3)

Today for Math I did Tongan Travel (Measurement L3). This week is Tongan language week. We had a task to do with tongan language week. We had to look at this Tongan Travel photo of the math and then we had to answer 2 questions. We then had to make our own graph about four of our class mates. I picked Vika, Zaria, Mary & Lynette. My highlight was doing the graphs about my friends/classmates. My lowlight is completing the 2 questions (because the answers to the questions were hard). Something I’ll work on next time is nothing, But next time I whoever made the slides should add more information onto the PDF photo graphs. Because theres not a lot og information. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Thank you!

Work Problems

Today for math I did Work Problems. It was really easy and hard because, most of the questions were pretty hard for me. I worked out the questions with Vika, Go check out her blog at pesvikaf.edublogs.org.  My low light was solving the tricky questions. My highlight was solving the easy work. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Thank you!

Expression 3 – Algebra

Today for math I did Expression 3 – Algebra. My low light was completing slide 2. My high light is doing kind of the same work as Expression 2 – Algebra. Something I wanna work on next time is getting use to the number and the letter next to each other. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Thank you!

Expression 2 – Algebra

Today for math I did Expression 2 – Algebra. It was really easy again but it got a bit tricky on slide 4. On slide 4 the 3rd and last question was a bit hard. My low light is filling in the work. My high light is finishing my work. Please Leave a positive comment on my blog. Thank you!