Tag: If I could only see one colour for the rest of my life it would be

If I could only see one colour for the rest of my life it would be

If I could only see one colour for the rest of my life it would be Baby blue. It’s because my favourite colour is baby blue and I really think it would look really cool. I would just like to see people with baby blue skin colour, baby blue food, e.t.c. I just want everything to be baby blue and that’s what I want. I would be really happy if This really happened but sad because I won’t be able to see all the other beautiful colours. I just wish for everything to be baby blue one day. It would be hard to choose what clothes to wear, what to eat and what to pick up! Because I don’t know what colour they are. So if I had to choose a colour to see for the rest of my life it would be baby blue. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Thank you!