Task description: This week during Reading, I did Thank you Ma’am – Associations activity. We had to read a 4 page story called “Thank you Ma’am” by Langston hughes. As a child being raised by his grandmother in Lawrence, Kansas, Langston Hughes began a lifelong exploration of literature and blues music. He later went to Columbia University, worked in hotels, and travelled the world as a cook’s assistant. After being discovered, Hughes went on to write novels, short stories, and plays as well as poems. Hughes’s work shows a special understanding of everyday people – people who may not be famous or rich but whose lives are inspiring and valuable nonetheles
This reading work was really interesting to complete and the book was really weird because the lady was angry with the boy and kind of kidnapped him for about an hour or so. The lady took the boy back to her home and told him to wash his face. She then made some food for them and asked the boy about his life. The boy had a really tough and hard life. He had no family to look after him at home and that he was struggling with money and food. Then the lady released him and told him to not steal her purse ever again.
My highlight was putting the words in the right places. My lowlight trying to fit all the words in a small table. Something I’ll work on next time is to start enjoying reading more and to start understanding the text. I enjoyed reading today. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Thank you!