Tag: Term 3

Vocabulary Swap

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Swaimah – Vocabulary Swap


Task description: This week during Writing, I did a Vocabulary Swap. What we had to do was fill a table with 10 adjectives and/or verbs, then your friend ( Zaria was mine) and they will give you their 10 verbs and/or adjectives. We then had to make a story with those words and bold them. It was really fun to do because our stories came out good.

My highlight was making a story out of random words. My low light was that my friend hated the words she had but in the end she worked it out. Something for us to work on is trying to give harder words to each other. After that we completed the task, we posted it on our blog. I enjoyed this task very much, and I hope to do more like this soon. Hope you enjoyed. Please leave a comment; thank you for visiting my blog.

Country Physical Poster


Task description: This week during Reading, we were making posters on a country of our choice. I chose to do FInland. I was gonna do it alone but then my friend Zaria wanted to do it with me so we became partners. We reached Finland for 2 weeks and gathered information about the place and its history. We had a lot of fun doing that but it made us so happy seeing all our hard work come to life and it all being worth it.

Our highlight was making what I had in my mind coming to life. Our Low light is cutting the papers and worrying if the papers won’t fit. Usually we have something to work on but I think this week we did a good job. After that we completed the task, we posted it on our blog. I enjoyed this task very much, and I hope to do more like this soon. Hope you enjoyed. Please leave a comment; thank you for visiting my blog.

Work Problems

Today for math I did Work Problems. It was really easy and hard because, most of the questions were pretty hard for me. I worked out the questions with Vika, Go check out her blog at pesvikaf.edublogs.org.  My low light was solving the tricky questions. My highlight was solving the easy work. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Thank you!

Smart Relationships – Cybersmart

Today for Cybersmart I did Smart Relationships  This week is Tongan language week. We had a task to do with tongan language week. We had to make out own designs/pattern. It was really fun and I like my designs/patterns. My highlight was saying the Tongan Phares. My lowlight is doing the patterns because it took long. Something I’ll work on next time is nothings. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Thank you!

Speech Reflection

Today for Writing I did Speech Reflection. Last week on Friday I did my speech in front of my Literacy class. I was really nervous that I would fail my speech and that I would forget everything. My speech was about why we shouldn’t have speeches. Speeches are kind of like a nightmare for me. Today we had reflect on our speech on how well we did and how we felt. My low light was saying my speech to my class. My high light was completing these slides. Please leave a positive comment on my blog.

Why do we need Exercise?

Today for Inquiry I did Why do we need Exercise? We had to complete 2 questions and watch 2 videos. The questions we My key takeaways and How often do I exercise? My highlight is completing the questions. My low light is watching the videos.Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Thank you!

Cybersmart – Think before you share

Drag and Drop task

My Own

Today for inquiry I did Cybersmart – Think before you share. It was really easy to do because we just had to drag and drop the pictures to the right place. then we had to create our own Google draws. My low light is draging the pictures. My highlight is making my own google draws.Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Thank you!

Expression 3 – Algebra

Today for math I did Expression 3 – Algebra. My low light was completing slide 2. My high light is doing kind of the same work as Expression 2 – Algebra. Something I wanna work on next time is getting use to the number and the letter next to each other. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Thank you!

Expression 2 – Algebra

Today for math I did Expression 2 – Algebra. It was really easy again but it got a bit tricky on slide 4. On slide 4 the 3rd and last question was a bit hard. My low light is filling in the work. My high light is finishing my work. Please Leave a positive comment on my blog. Thank you!