Design Your Own Surfboards – Step it up!

Today for the Summer learning journey I did Design Your Own Surfboards – Step it up! It was really fun creating my own business name for my surfboards. I named it Pearl Dreams. I think Pearl Dreams will really suit my surfboards.  Thank you very much Kerry Boycde Preece.  Thank you! Merry Christmas.

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Thank you!

3 thoughts on “Design Your Own Surfboards – Step it up!

  1. Kia ora Swaimah,

    Your idea for your shop is great! I love the name Pearl Dreams and think that how you have described your shop is really cool – I’d love to go there.

    The pictures you have shared are example of some surfboards that you’ve found and it could be a really great inspiration for making your own.

    The SLJ team wants to see your own work posted to your blog. It is fine if you use work from other creators to supplement your own work in your blog posts, however, the work of other creators should always be referenced. That means you need to add where you found it by copying the url of the website and adding the name of the original author.
    You also should make sure that you aren’t saying work has been ‘made’ by you when you have taken it from someone else. Watch a short video with advice on is how to do this for an image here.

    Once you have completed this task yourself and designed your own surfboard then the SLJ team will give you the points for the activity.

    Mā te wā – I can’t wait to see your other posts over the summer.

    – Mrs Clifford (SLJ)

      1. Kia ora Swamimah,

        The work you have done here is awesome – I even think it looks better than what you found online. I especially love the one with the star in the middle of the board, the shapes either side of it remind me of the waves in the ocean.

        If you had to pick your favourite board from the ones you have made what one would you choose?

        Have you ever been surfing before?

        – Mrs Clifford

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