Year: 2023

Enchanted Forest

Swaimah – Enchanted Forrest 

Today for Writing I did enchanted forest. What we had to do was make a story about us being in an enchanted forest. We had to choose names for creatures and places we see while looking for a treasure. My treaure was the jasper chest. Press on the link to see my writing.

My highlight was finding names for the creatures and the treasure.

My lowlight was having to think about what i’m going to write about.

Quote of the day: Don’t take the elevator, take the stairs.

My Word Problems

We learnt so much about word problems. We had to create out own set of slides because our teacher said so. We made questions including division, multiplication, addition and subtraction. I hope you bloggers enjoy my work.

My highlight was picking out my own word problems.
My low-light was having to find out the answers to my own question.
Quote of the day: “Just one positive thought in the morning can change your whole day!” By: Diana

Christmas Word problems

Today for maths I did Christmas Word problems. It was quick hard to solve the last problem because it took some time to really think about the prices. I worked really hard and ended up finishing my math.

My highlight is customizing my slides, because it”s fun learning new tricks.

My lowlight is having to take a long time to answer the last question.

Quote of the day: Winners never quit, quitters never win.

Riddle time!

This week during Maths I did Riddle time! It was really easy to complete but the slide was a bit tricky for me. I was struggling to find the last answer because it kinda didn’t make sense. I was really happy when I found out the last answer to the last slide. I would like to do more riddles but if it was a bit easier. 

My highlight was completing the last slides, because I was struggling with finding the answer as the problem was a bit confusing. My low-light was taking a while finding one little answer to a riddle, but in the end I figured it out. I don’t have anything to work on this week as I’m proud of myself this week for maths and I think I did what I needed to do. 

My quote of the day: Mathematics knows no races or geographic boundaries; for mathematics, the cultural world is one country.

Is there a problem?

This week during Maths I did Is there a problem? What I had to do was answer 8 word problems and then show my working out. I then had to blog it. These word problems were really easy except the last slide. The last slide (8) was really tricky to divide the numbers so I tried my very best to find an answer for the question.

My highlight was Actually completing the task and doing well on my tests this week, I feel good about my writing test being good because I love writing!

My low-light was having to answer the hard questions like slide 8, because I was struggling to divide 432 by 6.

Something i’ll work on next time is to always find new strategies to each equation.

My quote of the day: It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with word problems longer – Albert Einstein

Star test – Reflection

This week during maths I did a star test. What we had to do was move our tables facing the whitboard. Then we had to open our chromebooks and get  NZCER open on a tab. Whaea Saf came around with our code on a piece of paper, she handed those out while we were sitting. We had to put our code in and wait for the teachers instrustions. Next we had to go over the examples, after we began our test. I was a bit stuck on some questions but I managed to work them out. The questions were like what is the name of the picture or fill in the blanks. 

My highlight was getting a nice sleep and then waking up having a fresh shower, ready to start my test. I was all prepared and fresh to start testing week. 

My lowlight was having to actually take the test, because taking tests are very frustrating and hard to complete.

Something i’ll work on next time is to be humble and not to nagg about the test.

My quote of the day: Do your best at the Test!

The 20 Minute City 

The 20 Minute City 




Do you know what a 20 minute city is? Well let me tell you that a 20 minute city will be accessible and it will make life easier. Everything you need will be within reach in 20 minutes. This would lead to something like if you need to use the bathroom or need to go to the supermarket you can just, take a little walk outside for 20 minutes and find your destination. A 20 minute city is basically where you can access any facilities you need. Everyone and anyone can access it if they live in a 20 minute city. 


Information #1 – Health:  


A key benefit of living in a 20 minute city helps with your health. If you’re sick you can just take a 20 minute walk to the doctors or any other place to make yourself feel pumped up. If there is less transport then elderly and sick people will be able to breathe in clean, fresh air. It also helps because if you’re sick you can access medical care really easily. Living in a 20 minute city helps advertise more physical activities like swimming. This can also help people get Vitamin D while being in the sun which also releases what we call endorphins. Everyone in a 2o minute city really need 


Information #2 – Reducing Vehicle Dependency:


Another key benefit of living in a 20 minute city helps reduce the use of vehicle dependency, meaning that you wouldn’t have much use of your car in the city getting to places you need to get to. This helps save both money and time getting in and out of places. Reducing vehicle dependency can also help people not get into traffic when people are crossing the road. When cars are reduced from the city it also means that it would be a good opportunity to advertise physical activities. Such as, Cycling, Scootering, walking and more. Less transportation makes the city better because there will be less emissions/pollution in our city and it will make the air more cleaner. This will be very good for travellers who can just walk around the city for just 20 minutes and they will find whatever they need. Travellers will also enjoy this time just travelling the city for 20 minutes and exploring the city just by walking or cycling. 


Information #3 – Greater Accessibility: 


Speaking about reducing vehicle dependency, let’s talk about how you can get greater accessibility from 20 minute cities. Everyone is welcomed to visit facilities in 20 minutes, mostly for elderly people who need help with medicine or food. Elderly people are mostly left at home with no one to watch or feed them. This is good for the elderly people so they can have a little walk to make them feel much better & healthy. Other people might also be disabled and cannot c0ok because of their disability. Everyone can also have access anytime within 20 minutes, anyone who lives far away from work can have access applying to another job 20 minutes away from them. Anyone who is a tourist in a 20 minute city is really good, they don’t have to ask people where the bathroom is or where to find food. All they need to do is just search up where it is or if there’s signs, they can just follow the sign wherever it leads them. 


Conclusion – Add everything together:


A 20 minute city is basically where you can access any facilities you need. Everyone and anyone can access it if they live in a 20 minute city. Anyone who is a tourist in a 20 minute city is really good, they don’t have to ask people where the bathroom is or where to find food.When cars are reduced from the city it also means that it would be a good opportunity to advertise physical activities. Such as, Cycling, Scootering, walking and more.  Everyone is welcomed to visit facilities in 20 minutes, mostly for elderly people who need help with medicine or food. Elderly people are mostly left at home with no one to watch or feed them. 


Respond to text – The 20 minute city

Task description: This week during reading I did respond to text – the 20 minute city. We had to answer 4 questions in our own ways. We then had to do a create task with a buddy. I chose Vika to be my buddy. We had to explain what a 2o minute city is and the benefits plus limitations about a 20 minute city. I really loved this task because we had to create a video and we had to use screencastify. 

My highlight was making the video with my friend Vika, because I found out that I said “particular and New york” wrong. I was a bit embarrassed but I really didn’t care. My low light had to write the slides, because it was really boring and it took a long time. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Thank you!

My quote of the day: Everything doesn’t have to be perfect, It just has to be done right!

Fruit Orchard

Task description: This week during Maths, we are learning to find the appropriate strategy to solve each word problem, solve problems that involve multiplication and division, and use equations to express a problem. Appreciate that tens are nested in hundreds and thousands and use that knowledge to rename whole numbers. We had to learn how to find the appropriate strategy to solve each word problem, solve problems that involve multiplication and division and use equations to express a problem. We were also looking into renaming the whole numbers to make the addition and subtraction of collections of tens or hundreds easier. It was really easy to do so me and my friend got it done really fast. The questions were about fruits and how much you’ll get or how much it costs. I really loved this task so much, I’ve learnt so much from this task. Learning new things is really tricky because you don’t get the pattern.

My lowlight was having to find out new methods to solve a problem because I usually use the same methods to do my work. Something to work on for this week is finding out new strategies to solve each problem. It was kinda tricky because some questions require division and I am not good at division. Some questions are on multiplication, Quote of the day: You can never be overdressed or overeducated. I enjoyed this task very much, and I hope to do more like this soon. Hope you enjoyed. Please leave a comment; thank you for visiting my blog.

What am I?

Task description: Today for Math I did what ami?. It was really fun because all we had to do was just solve the number of questions. I really enjoyed and loved this task, I really hope I do it again soon. My highlight was learning new things and having a go at this task today. I really enjoyed it. My lowlight is having to solve the problems when it’s hard. Something to work on for next week is nothing really, because I really liked this task and it was too hard for me. Quote of the day: Mathematics may not teach us to add love or subtract hate, but it gives us hope that every problem has a solution. I enjoyed this task very much, and I hope to do more like this soon. Hope you enjoyed. Please leave a comment; thank you for visiting my blog.