Category: Hanga | Create

Tessellations – Step it up!

semi-regular - tessellation

Today for the SLJ I did Tessellations – Step it up! I had to either make a semi-regular tessellation or a irreguler tessellation. I decided to make a semi-regular tessellation because of how easy it looked. I used the same app/website I used for the kick start activity. The app/website is called “polypad”. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Thank you!

Tessellations – Kick start

Tessellations – Mathigon

Today for the SLJ I did Tessellations – Kick start. I had to make a tessellation out of shapes. I made my tessellation with different types of triangles. I made my tessellation look really cool and the colours match every other. I really enjoyed doing this art task made by Cheryl Torrie from the SLJ team. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Thank you!

Build a plane – Kick Start

Today for the SLJ I did Build a plane – Kick Start. It was really easy because we had to make a glider plane. I tried my best to make my glider plane as detailed as I can. We went to the strawberry farm today so it was a bit tricky for me to build the glider plane, because I was tired. We had to use recycled materials. I used a plastic bottle, a piece of paper, some carboard and pens. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Thank you!

Shadow Art – Kick start

Today for the SLJ I did Shadow Art – Kick start. It was really fun but a bit tricky. We had to finda piece of paper and pencil, then go outside and find some flowers. They place your paper on a flat surface or a book. Then make sure that you  can see the flowers shadow on your piece of paper. Start tracing the shadows, finally you can colour in the paper. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Thank you!

Vibrant Viola – Kick Start

My Viola Music – Ode To Joy

Today for the SLJ I did Vibrant Viola – Kick Start. It was really fun and musical to do. We had to go on a link called “Ode to joy” and play come Viola. It was a bird that plays the Viola put you have to drag the stick left to right and keep going. There’s a song you play, and in the right bottom corner you can record yourself playing the Viola. Watch me playng the Viola. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Thank you!

Colour Block Landscape – Step it up!

Today for SLJ I did Colour Block Landscape – Step it up! We had to make a sunset using google drawings background. We had to make some gradient background and add some details. As you can see my drawing is a sunset.I tried my hardest to make it look realistic. please leave a positive comment on my blog. Thank you!

Colour Block Landscape – Kick Start

Today for the SLJ I did Colour Block Landscape – Kick Start. It was a bit tricky because we had to make a piece of art on google drawings.I made a cool little picture of some green land, mountains, trees and a cool sky. I tried my best making this piece of art. I tried to put as much details as I could. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Thank you!

Bug of the year – Step it up!

Today for the SLJ I did the Bug of the year – Step it up! We had to make a quick little profile of a New Zealand Native Bug.
I picked a Girrafe Weevil because it looks very cool and it has some awesome features. The body of the Girrafe Weevil is very interesting and the body parts have unique names. A Girrafe Weevil looks big but when you compare it to a humans hand its very small. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Thank you!

Bug of the year – Kick Start

Today for the SLJ I did Bug of the year – Kick Start. It was really fun but, a bit hard. We had to research about the bugs around my house and explain what the bug does. I picked 2 popular bugs around my house. Beetles which is really annoying because of it’s sound. Cockroaches because they jump high and they always come to my food. I then made my own bug. I mixed a lady-bug and a butterfly. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Thank you!

Snakes and ladders – step it up

Today for the SLJ I did Snakes & Ladders – Kick Start. It was the exact same thing as the kick start challenge. We had to do a multiplacation vision of snakes and ladders. Me and my brother played snakes and ladders for this task. We played a quick game of snakes and ladders and my brother. We recorded it with screencastify. We rolled a dice online on youtube shorts. As we played each box had an addition equation on it which we had to solve. the last slide I had to make my own vision of snakes and ladders. Please leave a positive comment on my blog. Thank you!